Stress, Job Motivation And Your Health

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Posted by Unknown

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Today, work is a central part of life for all people. Women are no exception. Whether you're an executive, you work in a shop, you're a waitress in a restaurant, cleaning houses or you can have a whole day taking care of your children, work makes you feel useful and reaffirm your role in society. But beyond that spent hours and hours working to pay the bills, the ideal is to have a job that we like or where we feel that we are recognized. This is part of mental health. So if you have problems, lack of motivation or stress at work, read on.

Julia told me that she is tired of her job because despite the long hours spent working and excellent performance, her boss is not good, get time for personal activities, ask permission to leave a few hours, and even sick leave, is almost impossible.

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Julia works for a company where staff has been cut so much that she now does the work of two people and has no time to take a moment to rest. She is stressed, hurt her back, and recently developed a rash on her skin that I said was probably the result of stress, which is known as neuro-dermatitis. Her story is an example of what happens every day in businesses where they want productive employees, but who do not give them the treatment they deserve.

Employers also should make this information available to them: a new study shows that workers are motivated by their employers are happier and therefore more productive. This study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, compared the data from people working in different industries and found that motivation is an excellent way to improve the attitude and behavior of workers and thereby reduce the stress that has an impact on health.