Power Of The Mind – Step 2

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Posted by Unknown

From what you care about "You can never avoid slip past the physical expression of your face!

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We saw that in the universities which would forge one of the most important lessons of the twentieth century. So much so, that as I have said before, watches it and, eradicates the map the "erratic" (scientifically proven), Intelligence Quotient, or IQ for Americans. But it took 1,995 years for that event. Of course throughout these chapters, which inevitably will become a simple book, know very well the IE, and innumerable, incalculable forgive mean and shameful use has been made of it and being made every day. (This part will be that in the next chapter is going to hurt many sensitivities).

Internet goes back to 1969 when it established the first connection of computers, known as ARPANET, three universities in California and one in Utah, USA. Then understand why I give these examples. Of course what they forget is that Internet writing was devised by the American military, who were commissioned to do these universities, and after using it for years the military to use military obviously, because they decided it was time to share with the world.
See my article on this "INTERNET HELL OR HEAVEN?

This is to justify it, where, how and why, the slip that named on this second issue. There are professionals who are dedicated to studying the body language, as such, such gestures of Ministers, educate senior executives on how to treat his body language in a working meeting, and even in royal protocol. These professionals develop a great job, but their training and professional development do not have access, unfortunately, the level and degree as exceedingly important that represents the most minimal form, or simply a movement of eyelashes, which is less visible than a little vein of nose, and endless, and in most cases unwittingly, provoked the inevitable slips that will give the us a wide range of our personal profile. 

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I'll explain the source of this technique as old and unknown to us, which is so meticulously analyzed to obtain the minimum profile in 45 seconds. We must bear in mind that our motive is to achieve maximum control over the power of our minds. It would be necessary to come to use as much writing and reading to understand that if our minds are overwhelmed, (I if I Ignore the Topic of the Face is the Mirror of the Soul), because as you cannot hide the sun with a finger, our mind, if you have the power to manipulate at will the expression on his face as you do not dominate it, that's what this time is spent on our part.

There are many such, writings, and inventions made using the soul as a mirror, a place of peace, of spiritual refuge, to use the Jewel in the Crown, our greatest asset and treasure to spirituality, esoteric, banalities as our mind is confused, the person who expresses it is confused, she is not confused at all she rules and you have to accept it and become what we are going.