Hiking Boots Essential

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Posted by Unknown

Sports Optimization
I have very interesting experience to share with you which belongs to my Scotland trip. My fellows were also with me. We all went with our sons who were 7 to 9 years old at that time. In this trip fathers and sons were actively involved. It was really the best experience that I ever had enjoyed. Every member of our camping brought all types of luxurious things including kitchen sink, portable camping shower, tents, booze, pots, portable BBQ, food, sleeping bags and many more things that could help us on the way. When I saw all these necessary things, I was happy but when I came to know that we all had to carry these things on our shoulders for four miles. Oh! I became tired before starting our journey. At last, I regained my losing courage and carried my share of load.

We finally reached at our destination. It was very beautiful and idyllic place. We went up where camps were fixed. We ignited the campfire over there. We filled our water bags from nearby river and put those bags on the top of the trees to warm them up.  Then we collected all the fishing equipment and went towards the river. There were many children on the bank of the river. In the beginning they were very silent but soon they showed their mischievous nature. They were trying to catch the fish by throwing stones. When they lost their interest in throwing stones, they started to form castles with mud. However, we could not catch a single finish because of their stones. We took beer sitting at bank of the river and took our way back leaving the muddy children behind.

I always loved camping shower. When we came back, warm water on the top of the tree was ready for us. We took shower and started to ready our meal. That evening, we prepared meat and beans. I put my wet boots near the fire to dry them. We talked until the sun sat. Then we went to sleep in our camps. Before going to sleep I was thinking that my boots smell would not allow us to sleep but our fatigue saved us from this trouble.
